How Long Does Ipe Decking Last?

Long-lasting Ipe

Everyone is used to the usual softwood life span of 15 to maybe 25 years if properly cared for. Pressure treated wood needs a lot of chemicals injected in it in order to maintain its resistance to decay and termites. Cedar and Redwood are the regular materials used for decking, but they will only last about 25 years with good maintenance. We offer a material that can last over 75 years, is termite and mold resistant, low maintenance, and 100% natural (free of chemicals).

There is nothing better than Ipe. Because of its natural structure and extreme qualities, Ipe isn’t susceptible to any of the common wood problems that plague other species. The most important factor to a homeowner is the lifespan and maintenance of their material. Ipe is able to last over 75 years with a simple coat of Ipe Oil applied once a year. There are no tricks, no sanding, and no sealing involved in maintaining Ipe. If you prefer the silver patina that Ipe transitions to, don’t apply anything and just let it weather out.

Consider Ipe when purchasing decking material. You can’t go wrong with a 75-year-lifespan material that is both durable and economical.

Contact us today to get your free Ipe decking quote.


  • looking for decking material for city observatory exterior deck and walkway.

    thank you,

    charles martin

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