Deck Hardware
Everything You Need to Build Your Deck
Tools of the Trade:
Seasoned deck builders know that you can’t build an ipe deck with just a hammer and some nails. Hardwood decking, especially ipe, require tools that are rugged, durable, and get the job done right the first time. The following are essential deck hardware that will make installing ipe decking easier and more efficient. Using the hardware we recommend will result in a more professional, solid, and clean looking deck.

High quality 305 and 316 grade stainless steel screws are most frequently used in applications that install ipe wood. 305 and 316 grade stainless steel screws are the best deck screws because they have superior corrosion resistance, maximum drawing ability, and greater formability.
Torx Drive Screws: Feature a six-point star-shaped head that helps to resist stripping and cam-out. The torx drive screw works best with tongue & groove porch decking and pre grooved lumber that is installed with a hidden deck fastening system such as Ipe Clip. Other uses include the screw and plug method.
Headcote Screws: Match the color of your decking with these multi-colored auger head design with a square recess. These screws are ideal for face and finish screwing methods.

Don’t skimp on deck screws. Cheap screws will cam out, strip, or even snap while being drilled. If you use six-point star-head screws, don’t forget to buy matching screw gun tips.
Wood Plugs:
Wood plugs are important if you’re going to use either the face screwing or finish screwing methods. Even if you buy pre-grooved decking, the first board you lay down will have to be screwed down to the joist. Having wooden plugs to match your decking will make your deck look uniform. We offer ipe plugs so that you can achieve a flawless look. We also sell the brand that deck builders prefer most: Extreme Plugs. These plugs have built in ridges that make for a tighter fit into the screw hole.

Ready to Build?
If you have questions about the installation process, or if you’re ready to order, fill out our online quote form or give us a call at 1-877-232-3915.